Using ChatGPT in the design process

By now, all of us have heard about the impressive feats of ChatGPT and the evolution of AI in general.  From the awe-inspiring and strange AI generated images of Midjourney, to the more realistic renderings of Dall-E, we are now exposed to ChatGPT, a language processing tool that seems to be able to hold a conversation. 

Since there are already a significant number of already available publications of ChatGPT, I will not delve into what it is or how it works (also because I’m not that brilliant and it is not my field of expertise). What I will focus on, on the other hand, is how you as a designer (whether you are a learner or a professional), can use ChatGPT as an additional tool in your workflow.

1. A better understanding of art and design history

As a language model, ChatGPT is a great resource for sourcing information on art and design history.  For instance, one of the classes that I used to run, introduced new learners to art and design history.  While the internet is a great place to find detailed resources about each era, as a new learner, it can be quite overwhelming to gather all information in a coherent manner.  The information usually differs from one website to another. 

See what happens when I ask ChatGPT about the features of Art Nouveau:

Art Nouveau is an art and design movement that emerged in the late 19th century and was popular until the early 20th century. It is characterized by its organic, flowing lines and curves, and its use of decorative elements inspired by nature. Here are some of the key characteristics and features of Art Nouveau:

Organic forms: Art Nouveau is known for its use of organic, flowing lines and curves, which are often inspired by nature. These forms can be seen in everything from furniture to architecture to graphic design.

Floral and plant motifs: Art Nouveau often incorporates floral and plant motifs into its designs, including flowers, vines, leaves, and branches. These motifs are often stylized and abstracted, with an emphasis on creating a sense of flow and movement.

Geometric shapes: In addition to organic forms, Art Nouveau also makes use of geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, and triangles. These shapes are often used in combination with organic forms to create a sense of balance and harmony.

Ornamentation: Art Nouveau is highly ornamental, with an emphasis on intricate details and decorative elements. These elements are often used to create a sense of richness and opulence.

Curved lines: Art Nouveau often makes use of curved lines, which are used to create a sense of movement and flow. These lines can be seen in everything from furniture to architecture to graphic design.

Color: Art Nouveau often makes use of vibrant colors, including shades of green, blue, purple, and gold. These colors are often used in combination with each other to create a sense of richness and depth.

Asymmetry: Art Nouveau often makes use of asymmetrical designs, which are used to create a sense of movement and visual interest.

Overall, Art Nouveau is known for its ornate, flowing designs that are inspired by nature and characterized by a sense of movement and fluidity. It has had a lasting influence on art and design, and its aesthetic can still be seen in contemporary designs today.

Impressive isn’t it? But wait!  We are not done yet!  This is only about the characteristics of Art Nouveau. 

My next prompt was about finding graphic designers influenced by the Art Nouveau era and here is what ChatGPT had to say (or write about if you prefer):

Yes, there are contemporary graphic designers who draw inspiration from Art Nouveau and incorporate its aesthetic into their work. While the Art Nouveau movement itself was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, its influence can still be seen in contemporary design today. Here are a few examples of contemporary graphic designers who use Art Nouveau:

Olly Moss: Moss is a graphic designer and illustrator who has created posters and other designs that draw on the Art Nouveau aesthetic. His work often incorporates flowing lines, intricate details, and nature-inspired motifs.

Jessica Hische: Hische is a letterer and illustrator who has created designs that incorporate Art Nouveau-inspired typography and ornamentation. Her work often features ornate details and flowing lines.

Neville Brody: Brody is a graphic designer and typographer who has been known to incorporate Art Nouveau-inspired elements into his work. His designs often feature intricate patterns and flowing lines, which create a sense of movement and fluidity.

Marian Bantjes: Bantjes is a graphic designer and typographer who has created designs that draw on the Art Nouveau aesthetic. Her work often features ornate details and intricate patterns, which are inspired by nature and organic forms.

Overall, while the Art Nouveau movement itself may be over a century old, its influence can still be seen in contemporary graphic design today. Many designers continue to draw inspiration from its flowing lines, organic forms, and ornate details, and incorporate these elements into their work in new and innovative ways.

2. Brainstorming sessions when you are alone

Have you ever worked on an assessment by yourself at 2a.m. and got stuck?  New ideas do not seem to flow and you feel the frustration build up.  Well, now you can relax and use ChatGPT as a virtual assistant.

We have all been part of a brainstorming session and we have witnessed its importance in the design process overall.  It is a great starting point to get into the creative process as everyone pitches ideas.  But what do you do when you are alone?

Use ChatGPT as your assistant throughout the process!

We occasionally require an additional dose of inspiration. ChatGPT can help designers generate ideas and brainstorm by making suggestions or even by responding to open-ended queries.

You could, for instance, ask ChatGPT, "What are some ways to visually represent spices for a logo design?" and get a number of possible answers.  Here is what I received:

Spice Blends: If the spice company specializes in spice blends, you can use imagery to represent the blend. For example, if the company makes a curry blend, you can use imagery of curry leaves or a curry dish to represent the blend.

Geographical Inspiration: You can also use the geographical location of the spices as inspiration. For example, if the company sells spices from India, you can use imagery of the Taj Mahal or traditional Indian patterns in the logo design.

Textures: Spices have unique textures, and you can use these textures in the logo design. For example, you can use a texture that looks like ground cinnamon or a texture that looks like peppercorns.

Cultural Inspiration: You can use cultural inspiration to create a unique logo design. For example, if the company sells spices used in Mexican cuisine, you can use imagery of Mexican folklore or traditional Mexican patterns in the logo design.

Minimalist Design: You can use a minimalist design approach to represent spices in the logo design. This can be done by using simple geometric shapes, and using a limited color palette.

Yes, it might not be what you initially imagined for a brainstorming session, but it is a great way to get started and you have been provided with at least 5 potential directions.  As you build your map, you will most likely add to this list and branch out to new ideas. You can ask ChatGPT questions like:

"What are some design trends for [year/industry]?"

"Can you suggest some color palettes for a summer-themed design?"

"What are some ways to visually represent [concept/your project]?"

3. Assist you in making design decisions (only covering fonts and colours here)


One of the most challenging tasks for new students in graphic design is choosing the right font for their project.  Usually, they will stick with default ones they have access to.  However, it is crucial to pick the right font for a design project because it can significantly affect the design's aesthetic and readability.

Take a look at this:

The client wants a rather clean and minimal mark.  What typeface do you think would be suitable?

For a clean and minimal mark, it's best to choose a typeface that is simple and easy to read, with clean lines and minimal flourishes. Here are some examples of typefaces that could be suitable:

Helvetica: This is a classic sans-serif typeface that is often used for its clean and modern look.

Futura: This is another popular sans-serif typeface that is known for its geometric shapes and clean lines.

Gotham: This is a modern sans-serif typeface that has a clean and minimal look, with a range of weights to choose from.

Proxima Nova: This is a versatile and modern sans-serif typeface that has a clean and minimalist aesthetic.

Avenir: This is a geometric sans-serif typeface that has a clean and modern look, with a range of weights to choose from.

Ultimately, the choice of typeface will depend on the specific design of the logo, the mood and tone the client wants to convey, and the overall branding strategy. It's important to choose a typeface that compliments the logo and creates a cohesive visual identity for the brand.


Colour is another important design element that can communicate the overall message and tone of voice of any product.  New learners frequently struggle with colour theory and find it challenging to select colors that are appropriate to the demands of their clients and audiences. They tend to pick colours that they like or feel attracted to.  ChatGPT can provide some guidance on the type of colour palette that you can opt for depending on the client, project and of course, audience requirements.

What colour palette do you suggest would be suitable for a spice product?

Choosing a color palette for a spice product can depend on a variety of factors, such as the target audience, the product itself, and the brand identity. However, here are some color palettes that can be suitable for a spice product:

Warm and Earthy Colors: Since spices are often associated with warmth and earthy flavors, a warm color palette can be a good choice. This can include colors such as deep reds, oranges, browns, and yellows. This type of color palette can create a sense of coziness and comfort, which can be appealing for a spice product.

Bold and Vibrant Colors: Another option is to use bold and vibrant colors to create a sense of excitement and energy. This can include colors such as bright reds, oranges, and yellows. This type of color palette can be a good fit for a product that is meant to be used in cooking or in bold dishes.

Neutral Colors: A neutral color palette can be a good choice for a product that has a more classic or upscale feel. This can include colors such as whites, grays, and browns. This type of color palette can create a sense of sophistication and elegance, which can be a good fit for a high-end spice product.

Natural Colors: Since spices are often derived from natural sources, a color palette that reflects this can be a good fit. This can include colors such as greens, browns, and blues. This type of color palette can create a sense of freshness and healthiness, which can be appealing for a spice product.

4. Assist you in writing your rationale

A rationale is an explanation of the design choices and the reasoning behind them. It helps to provide context for the design and explain why certain elements were chosen. But as most design lecturers experienced, this is where new learners usually fall short of providing justifications for their design decisions.  They usually emphasise on the colours and typefaces they used rather than why they did so or how it fulfills the brief requirements. 

Again, this is where ChatGPT can be used to assist students in learning design terminologies.  This can also help students in understanding how to sell their ideas through proper use of design elements and principles.

Here is what happened when I asked ChatGPT to write a rationale for Coca-Cola’s visual identity:

The Coca-Cola logo is an iconic and recognizable symbol of one of the world's most popular drink brands. The logo features a script font with a flowing wave that is widely associated with the brand's classic and timeless image. The logo is primarily red and white, which are colors that have become strongly associated with the Coca-Cola brand over time.

The red color is bold and eye-catching, which can help the logo stand out in a crowded market. Red is also known to stimulate appetite and thirst, which is a great match for a drink brand. The white color provides a good contrast and helps to create a sense of cleanliness and purity, which can be appealing for a drink brand.

The flowing wave in the logo creates a sense of movement and energy, which can be a good fit for a drink brand that is often associated with refreshment and vitality. The script font is also elegant and timeless, which can create a sense of tradition and quality.

Overall, the Coca-Cola logo is a well-designed and effective symbol of the brand's values and identity. It is instantly recognizable and creates a strong connection with the product itself. The use of bold colors, flowing shapes, and an elegant font all work together to create a logo that is both memorable and timeless.

5. Improve your design

Finally, you can raise the overall quality of your designs by using ChatGPT to create concepts, brainstorm ideas, and write copy. You can produce designs that are more meaningful, engaging, and efficient by building your designs upon a solid base of ideas and concepts.

Yes, you can provide ChatGPT with a link to your design (whatever it is- packaging, visual identity, illustration, etc) and it will provide you with suggestions on improving the visuals.

Here is the scenario:

I showed ChatGPT this image of a lion illustration

Image Link

My request: How can I improve this logo for a gym?

To improve this logo for a gym, there are a few changes that can be made:

Change the color: The current logo uses a golden color, which can be seen as luxurious and regal, but it may not fit well with the brand identity of a gym. Instead, you can use colors that are associated with fitness, such as blue, green, or red.

Simplify the design: The logo currently features a complex design with multiple elements, including a lion, crown, and shield. To make the logo more suitable for a gym, it may be better to simplify the design to create a more minimal and streamlined logo.

Use a different animal: While a lion can be a powerful and strong animal, it may not be the best fit for a gym logo. Instead, you could consider using an animal that is associated with strength or agility, such as a bull or a panther.

Add relevant text: The current logo does not feature any text, which may make it difficult to understand what the logo represents. Adding relevant text, such as the name of the gym or a tagline, can help to create a more cohesive brand identity.

Final words

ChatGPT is a fantastic tool to have by your side when working on design projects, and it will undoubtedly assist you to improve your abilities. However, as with any tool, using it blindly without really understanding why you are doing it is pointless. The whole idea of using ChatGPT to assist you in your design process is to make better informed decisions rather than execute the ideas of a language model.

Yes, it can be scary, especially with the fact that it can easily create copy for your adverts, review your thesis, and so on.  However, it will still not replace the authenticity of your work. 

Your experiences, your history, your surroundings, and your voice all contribute to the authenticity of your design. 

For students: be open and transparent about the use of ChatGPT in your work.  Yes, you want to pass that assessment.  But knowledge is not acquired and skills are not built by simply following instructions.  They come from experimentation, trials, exploration.

Have fun creating and exploring ways you can implement this new tool in your process!


ChatGPT for design tutors


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