ChatGPT for design tutors

After discussing ChatGPT's application in the design process and emphasising its value for students in my previous post, I am of the opinion that tutors should use this additional tool to its fullest in order to be more efficient.  Again, this is not meant to imply that ChatGPT will replace design tutors, but rather to suggest ways in which they might enhance their teaching strategies.  

ChatGPT can be used as a means of improving teaching skills, research, planning and of course, providing better support to students through additional lecture notes, practice briefs, and much more. Let's get started without further ado.

1.Creating class activities

It can be challenging to come up with class activities at times; especially with short deadlines, stress, and the preparation of delivery materials.  While you as an educator can prepare your class activities weeks in advance, sometimes issues may arise.  For instance, you could have overlooked the fact that students may not easily understand the differences between design principles and design fundamentals.  What do you do if that happens?  Well, you can easily come up with a class activity using ChatGPT as a virtual assistant (much like presented in the previous article).  

Here is an example:

I asked ChatGPT to come up with a class activity that can help students better understand the differences between design elements and design fundamentals.  

Materials needed:

  • A set of playing cards

  • A whiteboard or large piece of paper

  • Markers


  • Divide your class into small groups of 3-4 students.

  • Distribute the cards evenly among the groups.

  • Instruct each group to select one card and discuss among themselves how they could apply the design principle or fundamentals to describe the card that they picked.

  • Once they've had enough time to discuss, have each group present their card and explain the different design principles and fundamentals that they noticed.

  • Once all the groups have presented, discuss as a class how the principles and fundamentals differ and how they work together to create effective design.

Quite fun, yes?  That took less than 5 minutes to generate.  So, if you feel stuck, unsure about what class activity you can create for your students, you most certainly can use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas and come up with your own.  

2. Personalised learning

Design tutors are no strangers to providing individual feedback and ChatGPT can be a great tool in their repertoire to provide personalised learning resources if time is of the essence.  

Consider a design student who wants to know more about typography. The educator can input this information into ChatGPT and ask for suggestions for articles, tutorials, and other resources related to typography. ChatGPT can then generate a list of resources tailored to that student's interests and skill level.

For instance, ChatGPT might suggest a beginner's guide to typography for students who are just starting out, or more advanced resources for students who already have some experience with typography. This can help the learner feel more interested in and driven to learn about typography, and can help them progress in their skills at their own pace.

Here is an example following my request to find typography resources for a beginner student who is having difficulty understanding typography basics.

Online Typography Courses: There are many free and paid online courses that can teach students the fundamentals of typography. Some popular options include Udemy, Skillshare, and Lynda.

Typography Books: There are numerous books available on typography that can help students understand the principles and elements of typography. Some popular options include "Thinking with Type" by Ellen Lupton, "The Elements of Typographic Style" by Robert Bringhurst, and "Typographie: A Manual of Design" by Emil Ruder.

Typography Tutorials: There are many online tutorials and videos available on platforms like YouTube that can help students learn about typography. Some popular channels include The Futur, Canva, and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Typography Tools: There are many tools available that can help students practice and experiment with typography. Some popular options include Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts, and FontStruct.

Typography Games: There are many fun games and quizzes available that can help students learn about typography in a more interactive and engaging way. Some popular options include Kern Type, Shape Type, and Type Connection.

Although it may not be perfect or fully personalised, it can be a starting point for your comments and list of resources. However, remember to not share any personal details about yourself or your learners.  

3. Generate briefs 

Yes you can! Tired of assessing the same project and visual direction but you do not have time to write a new brief for students? This can be a useful tool for educators to use when they are stuck or need some fresh creative briefs to inspire their students.

By inputting a few keywords or prompts, ChatGPT can generate a list of ideas or themes for students to explore. 

Here is a sample brief generated in seconds while providing just a few keywords.

Client: Startup Tech Company

Goals: Our startup tech company needs a new logo and marketing materials that reflect our brand identity and appeal to our target audience. We want to convey that we are a fun, bold, and nerdy company that is not afraid to push boundaries and be different.

Target Audience: Our target audience is primarily tech-savvy millennials and Gen Zers who value innovation, humour, and creativity. They are not afraid to take risks and try new things, and they value brands that share their values.

Design Direction:
We are looking for a logo and marketing materials that incorporate the following design elements:
Colour: We prefer blue as our primary colour, but are open to other complementary colours that convey our brand identity.
Typography: We want bold, playful typography that incorporates funny or witty phrases and reflects our nerdy personality.
Imagery: We are open to different types of imagery that convey our brand identity and values. This could include tech-related graphics, funny memes, or other visual elements that resonate with our target audience.
Tone: We want our brand to be approachable, fun, and playful. We want to convey that we don't take ourselves too seriously and are not afraid to be a little irreverent.

Deliverables: We are looking for a complete branding package that includes the following:

Logo design

Business card design

Social media profile and cover images

Website design (including home page and at least 3 additional pages)

Timeline: We need the logo and marketing materials completed within 4-6 weeks.

Budget: Our budget for this project is $5,000-$7,500.

Additional Notes: We are open to creative ideas and suggestions, and we are looking for a design team that is willing to collaborate with us to create a brand that truly represents who we are as a company.

4. Promote collaborative learning using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be used to facilitate collaborative learning experiences by encouraging students to work together, share information, and provide feedback to each other. 

How can we achieve this?

As mentioned above, ChatGPT can generate briefs in a matter of seconds.  Although I gave a non-collaborative example, you can change the question to produce a brief that will allow students to work in groups.  This can take the form of presentations, in-class activities and discussions, or even final group evaluations.  

It need not end here, though. You can also instruct students to make use of ChatGPT to generate ideas.  However, the challenge will be to document all this and critically refine their work before sharing it with the class.

Another way to use ChatGPT to promote collaboration is through discussion forums.  Educators can create discussion forums where students can share their work and discuss the use of ChatGPT in the design process. ChatGPT can be used to facilitate conversations, provide additional resources and assist with question and answer sessions. Or even better, a discussion forum where the statements from ChatGPT (feedback, information, design comments) are critically analysed.  

5. Implementing the use of ChatGPT in the learning process

As stated in my previous post, ChatGPT can be a great tool to help in the learning process. But it can also hinder progress and learning in the long-term.  

How can we avoid the negative impact of such a tool?

Establish clear expectations: Tutors should establish clear expectations for how ChatGPT should be used in the classroom. This includes explaining the difference between using ChatGPT for inspiration and using it to copy, and emphasising the importance of original thinking and creativity.  Talk to students about the importance of being honest and transparent in their design process.

Encourage critical thinking: Tutors should encourage critical thinking by asking students to reflect on the information and feedback they receive from ChatGPT and consider how it applies to their specific project and context.  A great way to do so is through the process documentation.  Students are often instructed to record feedback they receive.  We have reached a point where the same can be done about the use of ChatGPT throughout every step of the process. 
You may take this a step further by requiring class presentations as part of the submission process. In these presentations, students can show how they used ChatGPT to develop their ideas rather than just execute them. 

Final words

It is certain that ChatGPT will be a part of the learning process, whether we like it or not and if we feel mixed emotions about it.  It's possible that you already use it as a tutor.  Even your students might be engaging in this.  In the past, we have had discussions about Quillbot.  This is no different.  However, if we are open and honest about what to do and what to avoid when utilising ChatGPT, we can be better prepared. 

Maintaining what I said before, it is a tool and should be used as such, not as a replacement for human interaction and critical thinking. 

Have fun exploring the possibilities with ChatGPT! 


Visual Exploration #5


Using ChatGPT in the design process